Presentation Rubric



       Some or all of the following criteria will be used to grade group presentations.











Nonverbal Skills





Eye Contact

Does not attempt to look at audience at all, reads notes the entire time

Only focuses attention to one particular part of the class, does not scan audience

Occasionally looks at someone or some groups during presentation

Constantly looks at someone or some groups at all times


Sits during presentation or slumps.

 Distracting movement.

Occasionally slums during presentation.

Stands up straight with both feet on the ground.

Vocal Skills






Shows absolutely no interest in topic presented

Shows some eagerness toward topic presented

Occasionally shows positive feelings about topic

Demonstrates a strong positive feeling about topic during entire presentation

Vocalized Pauses (uh, well uh, um)

10 or more are noticed

6-9 are noticed

1-5 are noticed

No vocalized pauses noticed

Verbal Techniques

Mumbles, incorrectly pronounces terms, and speaks too quietly, confusing.

Thoughts don't flow, not clear, does not engage audience.

Thoughts articulated clearly, voice is clear. Pronounces most words correctly.

Presentation is organized and the interest level of the audience is maintained.






Topic Announced

Audience has no idea what the report is on

 Vaguely tells audience what report is over

Clearly explains what the report is covering

Explains report and reiterates at end

Time frame

Presentation is less than minimum time

Presentation is more than maximum time


Presentation falls within required time frame

Visual Aid

Poor, distracts audience and is hard to read

Adds nothing to presentation

Sufficient in quality or quantity

Visual aid enhances presentation.

Completeness of Content

One or more points left out

Majority of points glossed over

Majority of points covered in depth, some points glossed over

Thoroughly explains all points

Skills Two or more of the presenters didn't know the information and got lost often. One presenter didn't know the information and got lost often. Diction and voice level engaged the audience. Role playing enhanced the information and held the audience attention.

All presenters knew the information and progressed smoothly through the presentation.


Audience cannot understand presentation, no sequence of information.

Difficulty following presentation because student jumps around.

Presents information in logical sequence which audience can follow.

Presents information in logical, interesting sequence which audience can follow.

Subject Knowledge

Does not have grasp of information; cannot answer questions about subject.

Uncomfortable with information and is able to answer only rudimentary questions, but fails to elaborate.

At ease and answers most questions with explanations and some elaboration. 

Demonstrates full knowledge (more than required) by answering all class questions with explanations and elaboration.


Presentation has four or more spelling errors and/or grammatical errors.

Presentation has three misspellings and/or grammatical errors.

Presentation has no more than two misspellings and/or grammatical errors.

Presentation has no misspellings or grammatical errors.

Group Work

Cannot work with others in most situations.  Cannot share decisions or responsibilities.

Works with others, but has difficulty sharing decisions and responsibilities.

Works well with others.  Takes part in most decisions and shares in the responsibilities.

Works very well with others.  Assumes a clear role in decision making and responsibilities.

Readability of the Slides

Bullet format is not consistent or clear. Too much information on many slides. Bullet format is not consistent on a few slides. Too much information on two or more slides. There are no errors in spelling, grammar and punctuation.

Bullets are consistent and clear. Information is clear and concise on each slide.

Overall visual Appeal

Background hard to read. To many words.  Many slides hard to read. There are too few graphic elements. Appropriate background. Some slides hard to read. Slides are easy to read and movement and sounds are used effectively.

Appealing graphic elements are included appropriately.